Welcome to the Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) – a simple framework designed to improve people’s health, happiness and wellbeing by focusing on six areas – Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Place and Planet. This monthly newsletter provides a roundup of the latest wellbeing tips, activities, research and resources to inspire better health and wellbeing. Tap into them – for yourself, your families, workplaces, schools and communities – and help create a happier world for us all!
This month we are focusing on the whole wheel with a great range of ideas and activities to suit everyone and some thoughts on how to pick something that works for you.
Finding the right wellbeing activity for you
We are all different and what suits one person might not suit someone else, so we need to figure out what works for us. Here are some pointers to help you find what’s right for you.
Positive incentives – the more these apply the more likely you are to stick with it. The activity feels natural
You enjoy doing this activity
You value doing this activity, and will still do it even if you are not enjoying it
Negative incentives – if these are your main drivers you are less likely to stick with it:
You feel ashamed or guilty if you do not do this
You only do this because someone else wants you to do this
On average it takes 66 days to make a habit, so if you do find something that works for you, stick with it until it becomes as automatic as cleaning your teeth!
Create a focal point for wellbeing activities in your school, workplace or community. 7th April – World Health Day
World Health Day’s message is simple: giving people access to healthcare without the prospect of financial hardship. This is more important than ever as the world grapples with COVID-19. So why not join the World Health Organisation’s new campaign to build a fairer happier world.
The International ‘Mother Earth Day’ is celebrated to encourage each of us to recall how the Earth provides life and sustenance. Find out more at earthday.org
WATCH THIS: The Happiness Advantage
Shawn Anchor’s wonderfully entertaining Ted Talk linking positive brains to performance.
The Balloon Challenge
Photo by Alaric Sim on Unsplash
Physical activity is not just good for the body its good for the mind too, just 30 minutes of activity a day can improve your physical and mental health. The aim of the balloon challenge is to get people active, moving and connecting in a fun and interactive way. Great for parents to try with their children. Click this link to download the instructions, and don’t forget to use biodegradable balloons and care for our environment.
Watch this fun, inspiring video of the dance craze sweeping the world since the pandemic. Then maybe try it out for yourself! After doing that, you might feel like a nap! Check out Thea O’Connor’s great science-backed website on the power of napping and try her free, easy 5 day napping course
See how Earth looks like a living creature in this amazing NASA video
World Happiness Report
This CNN article about the latest World Happiness Report makes good reading. The report puts the spotlight on the effects of COVID 19 and how people around the world have fared. The World Economic Forum
A great site for the bigger picture and innovative solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing society from inequality to global warming. The Greater Good Science Centre
One of our favourite wellbeing sites from Berkeley University with great articles, podcasts and videos. Healthline
Lots of evidence-based articles about physical and mental health.
Please feel free to use all or parts of this newsletter for your websites, blog, social media, newsletter or other communications to inspire your group members
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Implemental Worldwide C.I.C. Registered in England and Wales no. 08292850
Implemental Worldwide C.I.C, Suite2A, Blackthorn House, St Pauls Square, Birmingham, B3 1RL