Welcome to the Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) – a simple framework designed to improve people’s health, happiness and wellbeing by focusing on six areas – Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Place and Planet. This monthly newsletter provides a roundup of the latest wellbeing tips, activities, research and resources to inspire better health and wellbeing. Tap into them — for yourself, your families, workplaces, schools and communities — and help create a happier world for us all.
This month we focus on the benefits of sleep for our bodies, the importance of supporting our planet’s wildlife, embracing equity and supporting our own and others happiness.
Why not use these inspiring international days to create a focal point for wellbeing activities in your school, workplace or community?
3rd March – World Wildlife Day
World wildlife day is an international day celebrated by the United Nations. This day is designed to celebrate the value of the planet’s plants and animals with this year’s theme being: Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation. More specifically, the focus this year is around marine life and oceans as well as business and finance in conservation efforts.
8th March – International Women’s Day
This year’s theme for international women’s day is: Embrace Equity. One of the goals of this theme is to highlight the difference between equality and equity. Can you explain the difference? This quote might be helpful: “Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.” – Milken Institute School of Public Health. Supporting gender equity is not limited to women only, all allies are important for the social, economical and cultural advancement of women in society to create a more inclusive world.
17th March – World Sleep Day
World sleep day is focused on spreading awareness of sleep health, with this years theme being: Sleep is Essential for Health. Sleep should be prioritised in the same manner as eating and exercising, however in addition to many people suffering from sleep related disorders, it is often neglected. “Just because sleep is a natural behaviour does not mean that sleep should be taken for granted” – Fang Han, World Sleep 2023 Co-Chair.
20th March – International Day of Happiness
World Poetry Day has been designed to celebrate a treasured form of human expression with deep historical significance across all cultures. The day was created with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression but also to ensure endangered languages are heard. How many kinds of poems can you name?
Watch this video on the importance of equity for our society and how we can promote it.
Watch this educational and inspiring video on what makes a poem.
Watch this video on how we can promote happiness for ourselves and others simultaneously.
Creative Exercises
You don’t have to be a poet to practice poetry, why not get started with these free creative exercises? All you need is pen and paper!
Sleep Hygiene
Want to improve your sleep quality but not sure where to start? The Sleep Foundation website provides some great tips to improve your sleep hygiene and ensure you get a better nights rest!
Sponsor an endangered animal!
Ever considered sponsoring an animal to support our wildlife? There are many endangered species which could benefit from our support, you can find some of these at the WWF website. Support your local wildlife
Want to support the worlds wildlife but don’t have additional money to spend on this? There are other ways to support our planet’s animals! Support the wildlife in your very own garden or a public space (with permission). This blog is full of helpful tips to attract diverse species!
Image by skeeze from Pixabay
Concerned about the health and safety of yourself, family or friends?
Financial difficulties?
Please feel free to use all or parts of this newsletter for your websites, blog, social media, newsletter or other communications to inspire your group members
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Supported by the Queensland Mental Health Commission.
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Implemental Worldwide C.I.C, Suite2A, Blackthorn House, St Pauls Square, Birmingham, B3 1RL