Welcome to the Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) – a simple framework designed to improve people’s health, happiness and wellbeing by focusing on six areas – Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Place and Planet. This monthly newsletter provides a roundup of the latest wellbeing tips, activities, research and resources to inspire better health and wellbeing. Tap into them — for yourself, your families, workplaces, schools and communities — and help create a happier world for us all.
This month we focus on the importance of disconnecting from our screens, laughing with those around us and supporting animals and insects in our ecosystem.
Why not use these inspiring international days to create a focal point for wellbeing activities in your school, workplace or community?
1st-7th May – Screen Free Week
Get creative with Screen-Free week. This event was organised by Fairplay, with the aim of encouraging people to unplug from their screens and spend their time doing non-digital activities. This is a chance to explore alternative ways to spend your free time through activities such as reading, writing, sports or even spending time with family or friends.
3rd May 2023 – World Laughter Day
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash
World Laughter Day originated in India and is now celebrated globally with the aim of manifesting world peace by encouraging people to connect through laughter and understand both the short term and long-term benefits of laughter.
2oth May – World Bee Day
Photo by Bianca Ackermann on Unsplash
World Bee Day is a day celebrated by the United Nations to appreciate their contribution to our planet and to protect them in our ecosystem. This year’s theme is Bee engaged: Celebrating the diversity of bees and beekeeping systems. Bees play a major role in supporting the earth’s biodiversity by supporting the survival of plants.
23rd May – World Turtle Day
Photo by Wexor Tmg on Unsplash
World Turtle day was created with the aim of encouraging others to celebrate and protect turtles whose habitats are shrinking globally. A particular focus is on the reduction of single use plastics such as bags which can resemble their main source of food, jellyfish. The World Wildlife Fund has highlighted that one in two sea turtles has ingested plastic.
Learn more about sea turtles with engaging videos such as National Geographic content.
Watch this Ted Talk for insight into the importance and the benefits of laughing.
Help create a bee friendly world
The World Wildlife Foundation shares easy tips for creating a bee friendly world. They provide advice for planting your own bee garden but also protecting those around us with just sugar and water. Prepare for your digital detox.
Why not download some printables to entertain you during your week away from screens. Their resources include book lists and bingo games. Take part in Laughter Yoga
Want to know more about laughing yoga but not sure where to start? Laugh and Live Well share helpful information on the art of Laughing Yoga.
Image by skeeze from Pixabay
Concerned about the health and safety of yourself, family or friends?
Financial difficulties?
Please feel free to use all or parts of this newsletter for your websites, blog, social media, newsletter or other communications to inspire your group members
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Supported by the Queensland Mental Health Commission.
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